Native Title Quiz Winners Announced

Jun 7, 2023

The two lucky winners of our Cultural Festival Quiz have been drawn:

Congratulations to Michael Mosby (First Prize – pictured) and Peter Mills (Second Prize). Both received a meat tray. Peter’s prize was collected by his mother Roberta Mills (pictured)

 The correct answers to our six quiz questions, which could all be found in our Native Title Story of the Torres Strait Region, were:

  1. In which locations does GBK have native title offices? In Cairns (level 15, 15 Lake Street – the Cairns Corporate Towers) and on Thursday Island (level 1, 82 Douglas Street). See last page of the Native Title Story, 

  1. What is the Native Title Service Provider (NTSP) region where GBK provides native title services to native title holders and native title claimants? The Torres Strait Region, which is made up of the Torres Strait and the Endeavour Strait (which is the strait running between Cape York Peninsula and Muralag (Prince of Wales Island). See chapter 9 of the Native Title Story.
  1. How many native title determinations do we have in the GBK service region? 29 determinations. See page 4 of the Native Title Story and the National Native Title Tribunal’s website Search Native Title Applications, Registration Decisions and Determinations (
  1. How many Native Title holding corporations, Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBCs) do we have in the Torres Strait region? 21 PBCs which are fully located in GBK’s region and one that is located in both, the GKB and Cape York Land Council’s region, the Northern Cape and Torres Strait United Indigenous Corporation RNTBC. See pages 15 and 22 of the Native Title Story.
  1. Which Commonwealth entity funds GBK to be the NTSP and provide native title services to the Torres Strait Region? The National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA). See page 24 of the Native Title Story.
  1. How many Directors does GBK’s board have? 22 directors. One for each PBC and the Urapun Tudadal Gal Land Trust. See page 22 of the Native Title Story.

Thanks to all the community members who participated in the quiz.

On 8 and 9 April 2024 GBK jointly hosted a very successful native title forum with the National Native Title Council (NNTC) in Cairns.  More than 70 native title holders came together to hear from Commonwealth agencies and other entities what services they offer to PBCs.

The NNTC created a report about the forum which includes the PowerPoint presentations given at the forum.  In addition, GBK has put together its own report. It provides extra information about each agency and entity explains how they fit into the broader picture and what services they can provide to the Torres Strait and Endeavour Strait PBCs.

 GBK’s report also includes answers to questions that native title holders asked at the forum. And many photos taken throughout the event.

 We hope that you find the reports useful. If you still have questions, please contact GBK. You will find our contact details in the GBK report.