Native Title Newsletter (May 2024)

Jun 10, 2024

On 8 and 9 April 2024 GBK jointly hosted a very successful native title forum with the National Native Title Council (NNTC) in Cairns.  More than 70 native title holders came together to hear from Commonwealth agencies and other entities what services they offer to PBCs.

The NNTC created a report about the forum which includes the PowerPoint presentations given at the forum.  In addition, GBK has put together its own report. It provides extra information about each agency and entity explains how they fit into the broader picture and what services they can provide to the Torres Strait and Endeavour Strait PBCs.

 GBK’s report also includes answers to questions that native title holders asked at the forum. And many photos taken throughout the event.

 We hope that you find the reports useful. If you still have questions, please contact GBK. You will find our contact details in the GBK report.